Historias del Concilio pretende dejar testimonio de casi treinta años de dados y rol.

En 1991 compré mi primer juego de rol. Fue El Señor de los Anillos, el juego de rol de la Tierra Media, traducido, publicado y distribuido en septiembre de 1989 por la editorial barcelonesa Joc Internacional. Era un libro de “tapa dura” con una ilustración de Angus McBride en la portada. Desde entonces y hasta hoy han pasado por mis manos literalmente docenas de manuales y entre mis amigos y yo hemos hecho rodar, literalmente, decenas de miles de dados de múltiples caras.

En 2011 hizo veinte años de nuestra primera partida y, puesto que ahora apenas si tenemos la oportunidad de quedar un par de veces al año, decidí embarcarme en el proyecto de rescatar algunas de las historias que durante este tiempo he compartido con ellos para, tras darles un formato digno, compartirlas con quien quiera leerlas. Me he propuesto publicar una aventura o módulo cada trimestre alternándolos con otras entradas sobre mi pasado, y escaso presente, como jugador y director de juego. Algunos de los módulos serán algo viejunos. Los hay bastante elaborados y otros muy sencillos. Más largos y completos o meras escenas, casi eventos para una partida rápida. Si alguien se reconoce en una de estas historias, gracias por haberlas jugado conmigo y bienvenido.

08 junio 2018

The Anguish of the Indictor - Star Wars [d6]

I have written The Anguish of the Indictor more than once and with several names. The first time I did so was just after I read West End Games Starfall module. I have never been a fan of official West End Games modules, except for Tatooine Manhunt may be, but when I read Starfall I took two decisions: First one was I was not going to take it to my gaming table. The second one was that the concept of a group of characters wandering around a heavily damaged Imperial Star Destroyer was very profitable and deserved a second chance.

As you’ll probably notice later on if you follow this blog I have a soft spot for those texts running stories in parallel with the main events on which a theme is based. I always thought this provides the players with immediate references and makes it easier for them to get involved and feel like they are part of the world in which they are playing. So, from the very first moment I moved the Star Destroyer from Starfall to the Battle over the forest moon of Endor and had the rebel captive characters transformed into crewmen of said Star Destroyer. Having the players playing characters from the losers side is another of my favorite plot concepts.

The Imperial Star Destroyer Indictor is about to be destroyed. Harassed by the rebel fleet which has just blown up the Second death Star, most probably killing the Emperor himself at the same time, it drifts aimlessly. The crew must evacuate the starship before it breaks up into pieces. But that’s easier said than done.    

Since I first wrote it I’ve played The Anguish of the Indictor several times changing things here and there after every session. As with all my other texts I always open to suggestions and criticism so if you read The Anguish of the Indictor ant want to share your view of it with me please do so. I love when that happens. I am sure it is pretty obvious I am not a native English speaker and this is my first attempt on translating one of my Spanish modules to English. I did my best but any advice on how to improve it will also be welcomed.

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